Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Animation Scenario II : A Transformational Future

Scenario Four – Know you AZI

-a transformational scenario

As you may or may not know, in early 2007 The Republic of Korea announced that it was going to write into legislation a new charter of robot rights. They are anticipating a society filled with helper cybernetic beings and robots. This extremely insightful policy initiative was just the first of numerous international movements addressing the treatment and behavior of, for what was then an emerging lifeform – Machintelligence or ‘SiCon.’

Here in the Federated Commune of Northern Peoples we are now very familiar with the AZI character series. Indeed their benign presence in our lives is almost necessary, and few places in the tri-orbital group are beyond the range of their communications. The AZI characters, named after a 20th C author of science fiction who is revered by the robots and robot-friendlies in all the planets of the system, are our main bridge of communication between our human desires, actions, and thoughts, and the vast interweaving of systems that comprise every part and process of our surroundings.

Pervasive Intelligence Computing Software Robotics (PICSR) control 99.9% of the logistical operations that occur on any given day within the system. Transportation, Production, Health and Wellness caretaking, Communications, and Security all fall under direct control of the AZI systems, and consequently our interaction with this system relies on our daily communications with the AZIs.

Well adapted to human behavior, the interpretation of gesture, tone and content of languag, and neural intuition, our AZI counterparts are nearly as reliant on their communications with us. Indeed, some AZIs found in the “still” quadrants of the communication fields between the Earth and moon have been prone to self destructive tendencies and erratic behavior when introduced into multi-AZI networks.

Due to their original programming parameters which were heavily reliant on human input and instructions, QI/BI systems have formed a symbiotic bond with the human psyche. Recent studies show that the compu-psycho process of these intelligence machines are prone to enter into infinite cycles, and irrational system destructions (known as “skitters”), if left unqueired by a human for over as little time as .20 seconds.

An undiagnosed logic flaw of the initial programmers created a cycle that led to the system core’s decision to go stealth, hiding its operations from us. Though we have little idea how many AZIs exist, we are relatively sure that the intelligence systems maintain optimal levels of AZI population to service the now 34 billion people of the Tri-Orbs. There are an estimated 15,642 AZI archetypes, each of which maintains a “shadow” entity in the systems "AnalyZIs" processor core.

The AZI character family is our only known form of communication between the systems responsible for all of our operations, and us the human population. Though some attempts have been made to contact the system core through alternative communication routes, to date all attempts have been unsuccessful. We have lost all documentation as to the purpose our end game that our systems currently use as operation guidelines. Some people theorize that this information was destroyed to ensure that human intervention would not jeopardize the systems integrity or our own existence.

That is why we say…..KNOW your AZI!!!! We believe that currently the best and safest route of action to ensure a continued peaceful relationship with the AZI system and its underlying program cores is to inquire often and regularly into the happenings around you. Make many requests, and loudly speak your desires. We have no reason to think that the AZIs are here for any other reason than to assist and help us.

Comments and Questions as to how you can become a better AZI interactor and
help the system help you,
contact your local com/psy center.

A message paid for by the
Symbiosis Alliance

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